Expert Tips on Managing Children on Flights Stress-free

Travelling with children can be a daunting experience, especially on long flights. However, with the right strategies and preparation, managing children on flights can be stress-free and even enjoyable for the whole family.

Discover our expert tips for flying with kids and learn how to make the experience as smooth as possible.

Key Takeaways:

  • Proper preparation can make a significant difference in managing children on flights.
  • Packing smartly and strategically can help keep children engaged and entertained.
  • Effective entertainment and coping strategies can help manage stress and create a positive flight experience.
  • Nutrition, hydration, and rest are essential for children during air travel.
  • Interacting with cabin crew and fellow passengers in a considerate manner can go a long way in creating a harmonious atmosphere onboard.

Preparing for the Flight: Essential Steps for Traveling with Children

Traveling with children, especially flying with toddlers, can be a daunting task, but with proper preparation, you can minimize travel stress and ensure a smooth journey. Follow these best practices for flying with kids to prepare for a stress-free flight:

Plan Ahead

Start by checking the airline’s policy on traveling with children, such as age restrictions, seat arrangements, and baggage allowances. Book your flight during the time that your child is most likely to sleep so that you can enjoy a quiet and restful flight. Don’t forget to pack everything you and your child will need to stay comfortable and entertained during the flight.

Organize Your Luggage Strategically

Pack an easily accessible carry-on bag with essentials such as diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes for your child and yourself. Make sure to include a few favorite toys and snacks to keep your child entertained and occupied throughout the flight. You can also pack a separate bag with non-essential items to be checked in to prevent carrying too much weight on board.

Choose Appropriate Seating

When booking your flight, choose seats strategically. Consider sitting in a seat with extra legroom or reserve a seat with a bassinet for babies or toddlers to sleep comfortably. Alternatively, reserve seats in the back of the plane to be closer to the restrooms and have a quieter flight.

Keep Your Child Safe

When traveling with children, safety is paramount. Make sure you have all the necessary documents for your child, including a passport or birth certificate. It’s essential to pack a car seat or a travel booster, depending on your child’s age, to ensure their safety and comfort throughout the flight.

Arrive Early

Arrive early at the airport to avoid any last-minute stress. This gives you time to go through security, grab a bite to eat, and change your child’s diaper before boarding. It’s also an opportunity to let your child burn off any extra energy before the flight, reducing the likelihood of restlessness during the flight.

“Traveling with children can be stressful, but with a bit of planning and preparation, you can minimize any potential issues and enjoy your flight with your little ones.”

Packing Tips and Child-Friendly Travel Ideas

When it comes to travelling with children, packing can be a daunting task. From diapers to toys, snacks to clothes, it can feel like you need to bring everything but the kitchen sink. However, packing efficiently can make a significant difference in how smoothly things go on your journey. Here are some child-friendly travel ideas and practical packing tips to help you prepare for your flight:

Child-Friendly Travel Ideas:

  • Travel games and books: Pack some travel games and books to keep your children entertained and engaged during the flight. Consider games that are easy to carry and don’t require lots of pieces.
  • Portable DVD player or tablet: If your child has a favorite show or movie, bring a portable DVD player or tablet. Download some of their favorite movies or shows beforehand, so you don’t need to rely on in-flight entertainment.
  • Child-sized headphones: Invest in a good pair of child-sized headphones so your child can listen to their favorite music or watch their favorite movie without disturbing other passengers.
  • Snacks: Bring plenty of child-friendly snacks that your child enjoys. Think healthy snacks, like granola bars, fruit, and trail mix, as well as some treats to keep them happy.
  • Coloring books and crayons: Coloring books and crayons are excellent travel partners for kids of all ages. They are easy to pack, and they keep your little one engaged throughout the flight.

Packing Tips:

Don’t Overpack: It can be tempting to bring everything your child could possibly need, but remember, you can always buy things at your destination if you forget something. Stick to the essentials, such as diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes.
Use Compression Bags: Compression bags are a great way to save space in your luggage. They allow you to pack more, and they also help keep your items organized.
Make a List: Before you start packing, make a list of everything you need to bring. This will help you stay organized, and it will ensure you don’t forget anything important.
Bring a Stroller: If you have a young child, bring a stroller. It will come in handy when navigating through the airport, and it will give your child a comfortable place to rest while waiting for your flight.

By following these child-friendly travel ideas and practical packing tips, you can ensure a stress-free and enjoyable journey for the whole family.

Entertainment Strategies: Keeping Kids Calm and Occupied on the Plane

Long flights can be challenging for children, but with the right entertainment strategies, you can keep them calm and occupied throughout the journey. Here are some tips to help you:

1. Pack a variety of entertainment options

Bring a mix of books, games, puzzles, and electronic devices to keep your child entertained. Make sure to download games or movies to your tablet or laptop before the flight to avoid relying on unreliable in-flight entertainment systems.

2. Surprise them with new toys or activities

Before the flight, buy a small, new toy for your child that they can open and play with on the plane. Alternatively, bring along a coloring book or sticker book that they haven’t seen before to spark their interest and keep them engaged.

3. Engage in interactive games and activities

For younger children, interactive games like “I Spy” or “Simon Says” can be a fun way to pass the time. Older children may enjoy playing card games or brain teasers like Sudoku or crossword puzzles. Ask your child what games or activities they would like to play to keep them invested in the journey.

4. Encourage screen-free activities

Although electronic devices are a convenient form of entertainment, it’s essential to encourage screen-free activities too. Bring along a small notebook and pen so your child can draw or write stories, or pack a small travel board game like chess or checkers for a screen-free alternative.

how to keep kids entertained on a plane

5. Take breaks and stretch

Encourage your child to take breaks and stretch their legs by walking up and down the aisle or doing simple stretches in their seat. This will help them release extra energy and prevent boredom.

6. Use coping strategies to manage any meltdowns

Despite your best efforts, meltdowns can sometimes happen. In such cases, be patient with your child and try to understand their needs. Use calming techniques like deep breathing or counting to ten to manage any stressful situations on the plane.

By using these entertainment strategies, you can keep your child calm, occupied, and engaged throughout the flight, ensuring a stress-free and enjoyable journey for everyone.

Snacks, Meals, and Hydration: Nurturing Your Child’s Needs During Air Travel

Nutrition and proper hydration are essential for children during air travel. To ensure that your child’s needs are met, consider the following:

Child-Friendly Snacks and Meals

When packing snacks and meals, opt for healthy and easy-to-digest options. Finger foods are a great choice, as they are easy to eat and can keep your child occupied for longer.

Some child-friendly travel ideas include:

  • Trail mix with dried fruit and nuts
  • Cut-up fruits and vegetables, such as apples, carrots, and celery
  • Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on whole grain bread
  • Granola bars
  • Cheese and crackers

Make sure to pack enough food for the flight, as you never know when your plane could be delayed.

Hydration is Key

Dehydration can be a problem during air travel, especially for children. To keep your child hydrated, consider these child-friendly travel ideas:

  • Bring a refillable water bottle for your child and fill it up after passing through security.
  • Pack drinks such as diluted fruit juice or coconut water to keep your child hydrated without excess sugar.

It’s also a good idea to avoid salty snacks, which can cause dehydration.

By planning ahead and packing nutritious snacks and drinks, you can ensure your child stays nourished and hydrated during air travel.

Sleep and Rest: Creating a Comfortable Environment for Your Child

Ensuring your child gets restful sleep during a flight is essential for minimizing travel stress with children. Here are some tips to create a comfortable environment:

  • Adjust the seating position: Make sure your child’s seat is in a comfortable position for sleeping. Recline the seat to a suitable angle and use a neck pillow to provide additional support.
  • Dress your child comfortably: Loose, comfortable clothing is ideal for sleeping on a plane. Dress your child in breathable materials and avoid any clothing that might cause discomfort or irritation.
  • Block out distractions: Consider bringing a sleep mask or using the provided plane blankets to block out any distractions or light that might keep your child awake.
  • Noise-cancelling headphones: Invest in a good set of noise-cancelling headphones to block out any noise that might keep your child awake. This will also help prevent your child from disturbing fellow passengers.

Creating a Bed in the Sky

If your child is traveling on a long-haul flight, it might be worthwhile to invest in creating a bed in the sky. This is a service offered by some airlines that can accommodate young children’s sleeping needs during long flights. Here are some airlines that provide this service:

Airline Service Name
Etihad Airways Flying Nanny
Air New Zealand Economy SkyCouch
Virgin Atlantic Flying Club

These services provide extra space for your child to sleep and play during the flight, making the journey more comfortable for both you and your child. However, these services can be costly, so make sure to do your research and determine if it’s worth the investment.

Interacting with Cabin Crew and Fellow Passengers: Etiquette and Considerations

When managing children on flights, interacting with cabin crew and fellow passengers in a polite and considerate manner will go a long way in ensuring a pleasant flight experience. Below are some family-friendly travel hacks to help you navigate social situations on board:

Be Mindful of Other Passengers

  • Teach your children to be respectful and considerate of other passengers’ space and privacy.
  • Ensure your child’s behavior does not disturb other passengers during the flight.
  • If your child becomes restless or disruptive, apologize to the fellow passengers and take steps to calm them down.

Communicate with Cabin Crew

Communication with cabin crew can help alleviate any potential issues that may arise during the flight. Below are some tips:

  • Inform the flight attendants if you will require any special assistance during the flight.
  • Ask the cabin crew for any child-friendly amenities that may be available, such as blankets or additional snacks.
  • Be courteous and respectful when making requests and thanking the crew for their assistance.

Follow Airline Policies

It’s essential to comply with airline policies, especially when traveling with children. Below are some policies to keep in mind:

  • Ensure your child is buckled in their seatbelt at all times, as required by FAA regulations.
  • Follow the airline’s guidelines for bringing strollers, car seats, and other infant equipment on board.
  • Take note of the airline’s policies on bringing food and drinks on board, especially for international flights.

By following these tips, you can ensure a harmonious atmosphere on board, minimizing any stress that may come with managing children on flights.

managing children on flights

Safety and Security Measures for Flying with Kids

When flying with children, it is essential to prioritize safety and security measures. Here are some coping strategies and family-friendly travel hacks you can use to ensure a safe and smooth journey:

1. Choose the Right Seat

Choosing the right seat can make a big difference in your child’s safety and comfort during the flight. Consider selecting a window seat for your child, as they can rest their head against the wall for support. Alternatively, an aisle seat allows for easy access to the bathroom and stretching their legs during long flights.

2. Bring Identification and Medical Documents

Make sure to pack your child’s identification and any necessary medical documents. This includes their passport, birth certificate, vaccination records, and any prescription medications they may need during the flight.

3. Pack a First Aid Kit

It’s always better to be prepared for any potential medical emergencies that might arise during the flight. Pack a small first aid kit that includes essential items such as band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and pain relievers.

4. Follow Safety Instructions

Pay attention to the safety instructions provided by the cabin crew during takeoff, turbulence, and landing. Make sure your child understands the importance of wearing their seatbelt and following all safety guidelines.

5. Use Child Safety Devices

Consider using child safety devices such as car seats and harnesses to ensure your child’s safety during the flight. Make sure to check with your airline for their specific policies regarding the use of child safety devices.

6. Avoid Overpacking

Overpacking can lead to unnecessary stress and delays during security checks. Pack smartly and avoid bringing any prohibited items such as liquids over 3.4 ounces and sharp objects. Check with your airline for their specific policies regarding carry-on and checked baggage.

By following these safety and security measures, along with other coping strategies and family-friendly travel hacks, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free journey when flying with kids.

Managing Meltdowns: Dealing with Stressful Situations on a Plane

Despite your best efforts, it’s possible for your child to experience a meltdown on a plane. Children can feel overwhelmed and anxious during a flight due to the unfamiliar environment and changes in routine. As a parent, it’s essential to be equipped with coping strategies and techniques to handle stressful situations and maintain a sense of calm.

Coping Strategies for Flying with Children:

  • Stay Calm: When a child is upset, it’s easy to feel stressed and anxious. However, it’s crucial to remain calm and composed to help your child feel secure. Take deep breaths and reassure your child that you’re there for them.
  • Identify Triggers: Understanding what triggers your child’s meltdowns can help you prevent them from happening. Common triggers include hunger, fatigue, and boredom. Pack snacks, toys, and games to keep your child entertained and comfortable during the flight.
  • Redirect Attention: If your child is upset, try redirecting their attention to something else. This could be a favorite toy or a new activity you’ve packed for the flight. Engaging your child in a positive way can help distract them from their negative emotions.
  • Take Breaks: If your child is struggling to calm down, take a break from the situation. Walk up and down the aisle, or take a trip to the bathroom to help your child regain their composure. Remember, it’s okay to step away and take a breather.

Managing Children on Flights:

It’s essential to be mindful of other passengers while managing your child’s meltdown. Be considerate of those around you and take steps to minimize disruption.

  • Notify Flight Attendants: If your child is experiencing a meltdown, it’s important to notify the flight attendants. They can offer support and aid in managing the situation.
  • Apologize to Other Passengers: If your child’s behavior is disruptive, it’s important to apologize to those around you. Explain that you’re doing your best to manage the situation and appreciate their understanding.
  • Offer Distractions: If your child’s meltdown is causing disruptions, it can be helpful to offer distractions to other passengers. Pack earplugs or headphones to offer to those sitting nearby.

Remember, managing a child’s meltdown on a plane can be challenging, but it’s important to remain calm and composed. With the right coping strategies and mindfulness towards other passengers, you can handle the situation with grace and ensure a stress-free flight.


Managing children on flights can be a daunting task, but with these expert tips and strategies, it can be stress-free and enjoyable for the whole family. By preparing adequately, packing smartly, and implementing effective entertainment and coping strategies, you can create a positive and memorable experience for your children.

Remember to prioritize your child’s needs during air travel, including their nutrition, hydration, and rest. Interacting with cabin crew and fellow passengers in a considerate manner is also essential for a harmonious atmosphere on board. Safety and security measures must be prioritized, while meltdowns and stressful situations can be managed by implementing effective coping strategies.

Have an enjoyable flight!


What are some tips for managing children on flights?

We have compiled a list of expert tips and strategies to help you manage your children on flights and ensure a stress-free journey. These tips include preparing for the flight, packing efficiently, keeping kids entertained, nurturing their food and drink needs, creating a comfortable environment for sleep and rest, interacting with cabin crew and fellow passengers, implementing safety and security measures, and managing meltdowns. By following these tips, you can make the experience enjoyable for the whole family.

How can I prepare for a flight with children?

Proper preparation is essential when traveling with children. Some essential steps include planning ahead, packing necessary items, organizing important documents, checking in online, and familiarizing yourself with airline policies regarding children. By taking these steps, you can minimize travel stress and ensure a smooth journey.

What are some packing tips for flying with children?

When packing for a flight with children, it’s important to pack efficiently and thoughtfully. Some packing tips include carrying essential items in a carry-on bag, utilizing packing cubes or organizers, packing extra clothing and diapers, bringing comfort items for your child, and including entertainment options such as books or portable games. These tips will help keep your kids engaged and entertained throughout the journey.

How can I keep my kids entertained on the plane?

Long flights can be challenging for children, but with the right entertainment strategies, you can keep them calm and occupied. Some tips include bringing their favorite books or toys, downloading movies or games on a tablet, engaging them in interactive activities like coloring or puzzles, and encouraging them to take breaks and walk around the cabin. These strategies will help make the flight more enjoyable for your children.

What should I pack for snacks and meals during air travel?

Nutrition and hydration are essential for children during air travel. It’s important to pack snacks and meals that are easy to eat and satisfy your child’s needs. Some child-friendly travel ideas include pre-packaged snacks, sandwiches or wraps, fruits and vegetables, granola bars, and reusable water bottles. These options will ensure that your child’s food and drink requirements are met during the flight.

How can I create a comfortable sleep environment for my child on the plane?

Restful sleep is crucial, especially during long flights. To create a comfortable sleep environment for your child, you can bring their favorite blanket or pillow, dress them in comfortable clothing, use noise-canceling headphones or earplugs, and dim the lights if possible. These techniques will help your child get the rest they need and minimize travel stress.

What are some etiquette considerations when flying with children?

Interacting with cabin crew and fellow passengers in a considerate manner is essential for a pleasant flight experience with children. It’s important to be respectful of others’ personal space, follow airline rules and regulations, keep noise levels to a minimum, and apologize and address any disruptions caused by your child. These etiquette considerations will help create a harmonious atmosphere on board.

What safety and security measures should I take when flying with kids?

When flying with kids, safety and security should be a top priority. Some essential measures include ensuring your child is securely fastened in their seatbelt, familiarizing yourself with emergency procedures, keeping important documents easily accessible, and labeling your child’s belongings. These precautions will help keep your children safe and secure throughout the flight.

How can I manage meltdowns and stressful situations on a plane?

Despite your best efforts, meltdowns can sometimes happen. It’s important to remain calm and composed during these situations. Some coping strategies include offering comfort and reassurance to your child, distracting them with favorite toys or games, practicing deep breathing exercises, and seeking assistance from cabin crew if needed. These techniques will help you manage stressful situations and maintain a peaceful environment for your child and fellow passengers.